I Have a Sore Throat, Could This Be Caused by My Metal Braces?

If you’ve recently gotten braces in Stratham and are now experiencing a sore throat, you might be wondering if the two are related.

While yes, it could just be a coincidence, braces can sometimes lead to a sore throat and other seemingly “strange” side effects. Keep reading to learn more about it.

How Can Braces Cause a Sore Throat?

Braces are a foreign object that your mouth needs some time to get used to. In the beginning, braces can lead to dry mouth, which occurs because you’ll be producing less saliva.

Dry mouth can be uncomfortable and lead to a dry throat, which irritates the throat and creates soreness. Luckily, this doesn’t last very long, and your mouth will get used to the new braces quickly.

In the meantime, you should be drinking plenty of water and other liquids to hydrate the mouth and throat to reduce irritation. The discomfort will be more prevalent first thing in the morning, but it usually goes away in a few hours as you hydrate.

If the sore throat persists, you may need to see your orthodontist to see whether something else is causing your sore throat, or whether you’re experiencing a bad reaction to the braces themselves. 

What Side Effects Can Braces Cause?

Braces usually cause some gum irritation and sore teeth every time they are tightened. Your teeth will get used to them in a few days, and you can take OTC pain medication in the meantime to ease your pain.

In rare cases, getting braces can also cause a fever as they can cause a mild allergic reaction. The biomaterials in the braces may release allergens that cause mild irritation. If this happens, you should reach out to your orthodontist as soon as possible. 

Your wires may be removed to lessen your discomfort, and you may get another type of braces or orthodontic treatment that does not cause these side effects, like ceramic braces or Invisalign. 

How Can I Manage Braces Discomfort?

Over-the-counter pain medication like Ibuprofen and holding a cold compress to your cheeks are the best way to manage the discomfort of the braces. You may also gently massage the gums to relieve some pressure or use a desensitizing gel or toothpaste.

Luckily, you only have to worry about these things in the first days after getting the braces tightened. Most patients’ teeth are quick to adjust, and the pain will naturally ease.

Find Out If Traditional Metal Braces Are Right for You

If you’re unhappy with your smile’s alignment, come see Dr. John Walsh for a short consultation to tap into the best orthodontic therapy for your specific case.

Request a visit to Great Bay Orthodontics online, and shot by for a visit to learn your options.

Have more questions about braces? Call our team at (603) 318-2602 to get all the answers you need!

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