My TMD Night Guard Is Not Working, What Do I Do?

TMD (or TMJ disorders) can be extremely painful and reduce a person’s quality of life. Sometimes, a simple night guard is all it takes to ease the discomfort, get a good night’s rest, and effectively manage your condition.

But if you now feel like your mouthguard isn't doing its job anymore, you’re understandably worried. Check out this article to understand why this can happen and what your options are.

How Do Mouthguards Help with TMD?

Mouthguards help prevent you from clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth at night. When you wear them, they hold the jaw in a more optimal position, which relaxes your muscles and diminishes the common next-morning symptoms of TMD.

Over time, these night guards can completely remove your symptoms, and while you will still need to wear them every day, you can experience long-term relief.

But in some cases, the night guard might stop working or even make the pain worse. 

Why Do Night Guards Sometimes Fail?

Night guards should be custom-made to fit your teeth perfectly and hold your jaw in the right position. Pre-made mouthguards are often ineffective at managing TMJ since they don’t take into account your specific measurements. 

Instead, these mouthguards are slightly molded with hot water to fit your teeth better and provide some level of comfort. If you have this type of mouthguard, then this is most likely why your TMJ symptoms aren’t diminishing.

Your current mouthguard may also be damaged or loose, which is also why you’re experiencing pain. This is usually the case if the oral appliance worked in the beginning, but over time you noticed your symptoms slowly re-emerging.

But in other cases, you may have a more complex TMD case in which a night guard isn’t enough to manage. You may need additional types of therapy to experience relief. 

What to Do If Your Night Guard Isn’t Working

If you’re wearing a night guard every night but your TMD isn’t getting better, then perhaps it’s time to see another specialist for a consultation.

Opt for a custom orthodontic night guard instead of your regular ones. These are made based on a scan of your teeth to ensure they will hold your jaw in the proper position during your sleep.

Moreover, a TMD specialist can monitor your reaction to the night guard and adapt your treatment plan to address your specific needs.

How Great Bay Orthodontics Can Help

Dr. John Walsh can help you access expert TMD treatment and custom night guards designed to help you experience relief from this painful disorder.

If your current oral appliance stopped working, request a visit to Great Bay Orthodontics online and come get a scan for a new custom night guard.

For more information, call our office at (603) 318-2602, and we’d be happy to answer all your questions about TMD and night guards.

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